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Friday, July 2, 2010

Can the Body Survive This?

Can the body survive this?
This pain, this insurmountable pain
Filling up my corners like
Peanut butter stuck to the roof of the mouth.

Can the body survive this?
This ache and drear, curling up my fingertips
And digging deep into the folds
Of my heart.

Can the body survive this?
This wail, this agon cry?
Tearing us asunder with great,
Shredding wings.

Can the body survive this?
This breaking, croaking, stroking
Pulling me downtown into cracks
Of earth and deeper. To your level. Never.

The body can survive this.
The mind can survive this.
The heart will survive this.

But they cannot forget.

-April 29, 2009


  1. I love the phrase "tearing us asunder with great, shredding wings." Brilliant imagery. And the last four lines...excellent. Reminded me of recovering from a great loss--how you know that physically you can survive it, but there's something left behind that keeps you from ever being the same.

    In less than short, I love it.

  2. Bravo, Elizabeth... incredible imagery. Pure emotion.
